Give Sport Back to Kids.
Over 25,000 views in a couple of days is evidence of the power of this topic and its importance for our kids.
One of the nice things about writing a weekly newsletter is that there is some creative license to addressing topics of relevance in our area of focus, youth sport and leadership. With the simplicity of technology, information can be relayed quickly on topics of importance. When the below video of a came out a few days ago, I knew that this week’s topic could be pushed because this needed to get out.
In parts of Canada, tomorrow is Family Day. I can not think of a better topic to share in celebration and promotion of the family.
If you are impacted by youth sport, or involved in any way, you need to see this, then act on it. That means parents, coaches, officials, board members, volunteers…everyone.
In the last few days, this talk has garnered over 25,000 views. Has it touched a nerve? The power of viral is doing good.
Why has this gained momentum? You watch it and let me know, but here are my thoughts:
1. It comes from a very credible source. Matt Young (and his team) have worked with countless organizations over the years to effect change around youth sport.
We spoke to Matt is 2020, and his passion for changing the fabric of youth sport in our culture is gaining momentum.
2. The timing. We need to give sport back to kids today more than ever.
3. It hits home. It addresses a topic that is central to most. Parents, grandparents, kids, coaches…we are all impacted to some degree.
4. It puts the topic in perspective. It relates what is going on in youth sport with other areas of life to illustrate how out of control it really is, and the harm it is currently doing.
5. It drives home a simple 3 step solution that we can all act on. Now.
That becomes the driving force to the message in this video. Act.
There has never been a more important time for us to do something. We each have a voice. We all have a role to play.
In Matt’s 3 actionable items, #2 hits home for all of us.
See something say something.
There is no excuse why verbal abuse, or worse, should be tolerated for any reason. Matt explains this one particularly well.
In celebration of Family Day, let’s all do something that promotes and allows kids to be kids. If the last 2 years have taught us anything is how much has been taken away. Now especially is the time to give something back to kids….their childhood!
Here is the 13 minute video. Then let’s do something about it. We can start by sharing it. Knowledge and perspective are power.
If you want to find out more about Matt’s work, in addition to the article above with links to his team’s website, the below podcast interview with friend Scott Livingston provides a deeper dive on the crisis at hand and solutions.
That is the best thing about this, solutions are outlined. This is not one of those talks or interviews that talks only of the problem.
Hope you find this talk as powerful as I did.
Have a great Family Day!
The podcast interview: