The Physical Movement Published Over 100 Articles in 2 years, Here Are Our Top 8.
Our 9th highlights one of the most important skills in sport performance, yet gets the least attention from coaches.
The Physical Movement was created to highlight various topics in youth sport, athletic performance and leadership. We have talked to coaches, leaders, and trailblazers. We have highlighted key issues, different perspectives, and trends with a focus on improvement and progress.
Youth sport and its influence on all involved has changed dramatically in the last 20 years. It is over a $20 billion (with a B) a year industry with multiple fingers in the pie. Because of the money along with the reduced opportunities for play and developing physical literacy, adults are way more involved than ever. While our youth have never needed a physical outlet more than today, their priorities seem to have been pushed down the ladder.
Coaches and administrators have massive influence over the quality of the experience while at the same time having enormous demands on their time and energy. Parents are also prying for attention, wanting to make sure their interests are addressed.
While everyone is trying to feed from the trough, our kids are tapping our shoulders asking: “can we play”.
Bringing forth the issues, and addressing solutions are steppingstones to progress and making sure that those involved empowered to reverse the low participation rates and use the platform to develop character in young people
The top read articles from our library are listed below. They each cover a perspective that hopefully will spark conversation, awareness and policy by those of us who have a say in our community.