TPM #288 : Best of 2024 On The Realities Of Youth Sport.
One of our top read articles of 2024 addresses some hard facts about elite sport and the treatment of our kids.
Best of the season to you and your family. Here is hoping that you are able to spend some time recharging the batteries, and getting some down time with those most important to you.
In this crazy paced world, it is not a surprise that one of our top articles from 2024 addressed some hard facts about how our athletes are treated at the highest levels.
As parents we want the very best for our kids. We want them to do well, build confidence and experiences that translates to a happy life. The reality is no one will prioritize our kids well being more than their parents (most of the time!).
The below article came from a lawsuit where parents are suing an elite sports league claiming they treated their son as disposable. Topics like this can enhance awareness and education for athletes and their families, and improve the chances of finding experiences that will allow them to grow.
Here is the article from earlier this year in case you missed it.