Here is hoping that wherever you catch up to this, you are safe and healthy. Wishing you and yours the very best of the season and thank you for supporting The Physical Movement.
‘Twas 2 hours before game time, when the weather was iffy. No one had left yet, but if it cleared up would be there in a jiffy.
The field had to be lined and prepared with great care, knowing the teams and umpire wound soon be there.
The young athletes were eating and preparing their gear, while visions of gold glove plays and extra base hits danced between the ears.
And Mama was busy chopping up fruit, just to make sure Junior could scoot.
The umpires were reviewing their rule books once and twice, to be ready for when they were faced with naughty and nice.
Dads will be looking on from the side, offering opinions to any interested 2nd guessing with pride.
Game day lineups, batting order and pitching choices had the coaches heads’ spinning around, the 2 hours of game time dictated by how it went on the mound.
Some kids not showing up without notice made it hard to put together in time, it becomes like detective solving a crime.
Leading off would be Josh, who has some wheels,
2nd was Meagan who has a good feel.
3rd was Michael who always puts ball in play,
Cleanup was Aidan who could bang them all day.
5th came Brook who often surprised,
Then came Julie followed by Steve who is determined and the right size.
8th was Ben who is underrated,
Followed by our pitcher Curtis, who’s importance can’t be overstated.
If all goes well the game will go according to what’s in the planner, but experience dictates that’s often not the standard.
Officials often mean well and will get most right, but missed calls are part of the game on any given night.
There is always the risk of a sprain or injury, and that’s when next man up mindset must rise to the opportunity.
Practice and preparation will be tested this day, but most important is getting the chance to play.
Photo by Rebecca Campbell on Unsplash