May 15, 2022Liked by Greg Lawlor

Love this one! I like Tommy John's point about neck lean and its effect on the spinal cord. I am a corrective exercise specialist, and I see 14/15-year-olds with forward head lean which should never have happened. This affects how everything operates below the neck. I'm also seeing an increase in back pain among our youth. I am wondering if it is related to tech use, and I'm currently working to collect data on that one.

I'll also be sharing the article about distracted parenting with my family and colleagues. I live at a boarding school so we're parents to 245 students every day! :)

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Another great article Greg, many thanks! Really appreciate the video with Dr. John. It gets at something we don't immediately consider a debilitating effect of screen time. An interesting and very troubling thought occurred to me as he was describing the screen time effect on our immune system... "I wonder how many people were made more susceptible to Covid by the depleted nature of their immune system?" I realize not everything in life is "cause & effect," but it's a question worth considering. I too want to help in the education about the effects of too much screen time. Early in my Army career the Cold War still raged and we worried about "weapons of mass destruction." Now the culprit is the smart phone, which I affectionately call the "weapon of mass distraction!" Thanks again...here's to another day of Changing Youth Sports! Blessings, John

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